Artificial intelligence is perhaps most commonly known as a malevolent force, thanks to popular culture. HAL 9000, Ultron, and many others have reinforced that A.I. will be the downfall of humanity. In reality, however, A.I. holds more potential utility as a key implementation in your business’ network.
Artificial intelligence is perhaps most commonly known as a malevolent force, thanks to popular culture. HAL 9000, Ultron, and many others have reinforced that A.I. will be the downfall of humanity. In reality, however, A.I. holds more potential utility as a key implementation in your business’ network.
Defining Artificial Intelligence
It seems important that we first define precisely what artificial intelligence is in the real world. Getting down to brass tacks, A.I. is the development of systems that are capable of carrying out processes and tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence (or greater) to accomplish. A key consideration in A.I. is to most accurately mimic the decisions that a human would make in a given situation or when presented with a set of options.
Another key idea behind artificial intelligence is the concept of machine learning, or the automated process of taking huge amounts of data and results of past actions and making predictions based on these recorded outcomes. This particular capability holds quite a bit of potential when applied to network management.
Why Machine Learning Matters
In order to achieve optimal (or even proper) function, a modern business needs to be able to rely on its network. Machine learning driven by A.I. can help facilitate this optimization through a variety of processes, including:
Additionally, the rise in network-reliant technologies means that A.I. will soon be an indispensable approach to network management. Between the Internet of Things, search engines, self-driving cars, and other emerging technologies, artificial intelligence may soon be the only way to keep things running smoothly, even in day-to-day life. After all, conventional network management was never foreseen as having to manage so much automation.
How do you see A.I. shaping your business operations in the near future? Let us know in the comments!