For the modern business, not having a backup system in place is inexcusable. If you use digital data to run your business, you need to protect the data you can’t replace by having it backed up regularly. Some businesses have been around long enough to have files that don’t have any practical application in the course of business. You don’t need this data, and you don’t need a copy of it. Today, we will discuss how to select and choose which pieces of data you should seek to protect.
If there is a single strategy to selecting files that need to be secured through backup it would have to be that you should backup all files that you will not be able to replace. That seems pretty straightforward, right? Every folder and file that you can’t replace needs to be backed up, but the question becomes why should you stop there?
Your business’ data is one of its most important assets it has, why not just back everything up. After all, the BDR we offer has no problems mapping and backing up all of your data. We understand that some businesses just don’t have enough vital data to spend a lot on their data backup systems, but today, with all the threats out there, ensuring that your unique and sensitive data is protected has to be a priority.
In the data backup and recovery space, there are several different types of backups. Depending on what you need extra copies of, and when you need those copies made, you can choose exactly what type of backup strategy to use. They include:
Backups can be set up to run weekly, daily, and as frequently as every 15 minutes, depending on the needs of the organization.
A common, and easy-to-remember acronym, the 3-2-1 rule is a method of backing up data that will ensure that all the data you need to protect is sufficiently backed up. Here’s how it works:
You need to keep three copies of your data, with two copies being stored on different storage media (hard disk, cloud, tape, etc.), and one copy stored offsite. This strategy is a great baseline to keep all of your data safe and available for restoration.
If you would like more information about data backup, call our knowledgeable staff today at (770) 448-5400.